Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Giant pandas and small windows

"There is only a narrow window of opportunity: female pandas have only about 36 hours a year during which they ovulate and can get pregnant, so catching them both in the right mood is crucial. Luckily Tian Tian's last few shreds of dignity – the zoo has dropped proposals to use artificial insemination to ensure a pregnancy – remain intact for this year at least."

Full article. So Yang and Tian have another 10 years to make it happen, apparently China lends giant pandas for a million dollars a year fee for a 10 year period and with a clause that any cubs born during the period are property of China! Some scientist to make sure that the 36 hour window is well utilised have gone as far as showing panda-porn and giving viagra! I am not making that up, check it here.


Anonymous said...


I have always wondered, if this species(Pandas) cannot even bother to indulge in pleasurable consummation activities (had to come up with this non-swearing description as I know you don't like that kind of language :-))) regularly to sustain their own race, why should we bother?


Bannu said...

Vani: In general, being bothered is not so bad.... gives a sense of purpose.

So right about my hangup! :)