T1: Trikona asanas, highly recommended. Did feel silly and stiff on the starting day but now it being a few days, not so bad. The triangles are finally taking their shape.
T2: Tawa naans, highly recommended again. Will put up the recipe. Simple, easy and fast.
T3: Tea, it is just the perfect blend. Every day two times, god bless my father and his tea connections.
T4: Tennis, had awesome games last two evenings. Was glad to not mess up with the approaching shots, which has been my pet unforced error. It is a great feeling to be able to hit the ball where you want to. Looking forward to reaching the stage when I can hit it with the power I want to. Totally loved the doubles games last two days but am eager to check out if I can give a serious fight to my doubles partner in singles. Have been following some expert advice on youtube videos, I am sure it is going to show but that will have to wait for another day.
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