Monday, March 18, 2013

Turn of events

Oh my course......... it was going through such a high in the first month and a half. I was thinking of writing about all the wonderful things in a post that would have run into pages and I would have had more to say. But  unfortunately all of a sudden it seems to be part of a glorious past whose memories are fading fast. We are going through such a low at the moment that can only be described by the fact that number of yawns per class have reached an all time high.  Instead of following the ant walking on a rotating disc while jumping of a tree with the enthusiasm that a dynamics class deserves we have all decided to go through the motions. I mean situations in some of the classes is such that the only reason I am not noticing the students dozing off in the class is because all my energies are focused on keeping myself awake during my own lecture! The good news is India has just hit the winning runs. On that happy note let me wrap up this post.

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