Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Domesticated Decade

This is in reference to the last ten years of my life
Yes a time indeed that long
It is the time since I became a wife
When a dear mallu married this bong

Most satisfying journey it has been
And I cherish the companionship
Ups and downs we have faced as a team
Nothing seemed a hardship

Being a time for celebrations
I am focusing on whatever is wonderfully right
Will save the significant omissions
For next time we have a full blown fight.


mallad said...

Dear Bannu,

Congratulations on your domesticated decade,
But tell me, did it seem like a score?
Or was it more like five years?
The former, shed your tears;
Else, count your smiles.

If I may tell my case,
I too crossed my decade a little while ago,
It seemed like just five years,
And I allowed myself a little smile,
But what if my spouse thought it a score?
We will soon be generations apart!

Anonymous said...

Having crossed my own decade a while back,
most important thing is how things are in sack.
Tears or not, if such fun moments linger
in memory, significant omissions may not be such a stinger

Bannu said...

Mallad,glad to hear you made it too
with a smile and a clap
Keep in touch if spouse doesn't count as you do
Seem to be just my kind of chap

Haha anon you have hit the nail on the head
whatever else one has to get it right in the bed

mallad said...

Bannu, thanks for the offer,
I will keep in touch.
Though last time I looked,
my spouse looked younger too.

But wait, weren't we just
discussing happy decades?
Say goodbye to such banter,
To have hopes for a score.

And anon,
you might need a rethink,
Such single minded obsession
Will land you with the shrink.

Anonymous said...

aah mallad
don't be such a dullard
calling natural fun an obsession makes you prude
glad to see at least Bannu is wise and shrewd

mallad said...

What can be done?
a dullard I've become.
All work and little play,
turns one brain into clay.

Life is so fast,
can't remember the past,
make life more unhurried,
and I too will become wise and shrewd.