Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Page turner

I wouldn't wish the worst of my enemies a page-turner in their class. A member of that rather annoying species who are so utterly bored in the class that for the entire duration the only activity that interests them is to turn the pages of their notebook as if it was a page-turner.  Sadly enough I had the misfortune of having one in my class last semester who by the mere act of turning pages rattled me no end. Hate to admit but instead of ignoring PT, I became totally obsessed with PT. Has PT come today-oh there is PT-hmmm maybe today's class will interest PT-oh no PT is at it again-turning pages-damn! There was hardly any class that gave me the natural high that I so crave for. In short, the semester was a complete disaster for me and I was much relieved to see the end of it.

Imagine my horror when I found PT registered for this semester's elective. Why would PT want to ruin another semester of mine? Why? Why? Why? I prayed to concerned authorities up there and things seem to be working. While I am really happy that PT hasn't turned up in the class yet but fear lurks in the mind as neither has PT taken the permission to drop the class. Happened to talk to a colleague in whose class PT had surfaced for a day and needless to say the colleague was a bit ruffled wondering why would anyone turn pages of a notebook that is totally empty. Long semester lies ahead.

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