Monday, July 4, 2011

Just bin it!

Of the things that land on my office desk and take forever to reach their ultimate destination, waste paper basket, are the wedding invitation cards. It is hard to pin-point what stops me from putting them in the bin. Is it the fear that the inviter will see the card in the bin sometime later and erringly conclude that I have rubbished their heart-felt invitation or does the hesitation stem from the feeling that the act of my trashing the card in someway going to be the cause of the marriage going the same way. So powerful of me!

After disposing off the last card which took nearly a year, yes the time by which most Indian couples discover the consequences of not knowing ABC of family-planning, before I could breathe a sigh of relief and enjoy the sight of a cardless desk, a PhD student walks in with a huge, shy smile. It can mean only one thing " Mam, wanted to invite you for my wedding....."

1 comment:

mallad said...

My strategy is to sneak in unnoticed into the office and shred them